Monday, February 29, 2016

Feb 29,2016

Pebblebrook High School
Weekly Overview

Subject: Introduction to Business

Topic:  Communication and Leadership

Curriculum standard(s):
Leadership and Management
BMA-IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the
business environment.
4.1 Explain the interrelationships between the functions of business: accounting,
finance, production, marketing, sales, and management.
4.2 Define, explain and apply various management functions including planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling.
4.3 Explain the importance of a vision, a mission statement, and goal-setting within the
context of the business environment.
4.4 Apply the decision making process to a business situation.
4.5 Discuss the impact of the business and personal reputation and image including
online presence as part of the management of the business.
4.6 Understand employee impact and management’s role in contributing to successful
business operations.
4.7 Exhibit organizational skills while planning and executing business projects.
4.8 Implement strategic plans to manage business growth, profit, and goals.
4.9 Investigate leadership skills within a successful business environment.

Esstential Question(s):
How can you organize and stratigically plan for your business?

Opening: Blog and Video Entry on Website

Work Sessions:

1. Blog and Video Entry on Website

2. App home page and about us page

3. Website about us page

4. Fakebook Entries

5. Swot Analysis

Closing: Class Discussion

Differentiation: The students are working on individual business projects in which they are choosing the different business to create(differentiation by product) and each students business has a different  process that must be completed to launch the business.( diffrentiation by process)

Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Extended time

Assessment: Business Launch/Idea Presentation

Monday, February 22, 2016

Intro to Business 2/22

Pebblebrook High School
Weekly Overview

Subject: Introduction to Business

Topic:  Communication and Leadership

Curriculum standard(s):
Leadership and Management
BMA-IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the
business environment.
4.1 Explain the interrelationships between the functions of business: accounting,
finance, production, marketing, sales, and management.
4.2 Define, explain and apply various management functions including planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling.
4.3 Explain the importance of a vision, a mission statement, and goal-setting within the
context of the business environment.
4.4 Apply the decision making process to a business situation.
4.5 Discuss the impact of the business and personal reputation and image including
online presence as part of the management of the business.
4.6 Understand employee impact and management’s role in contributing to successful
business operations.
4.7 Exhibit organizational skills while planning and executing business projects.
4.8 Implement strategic plans to manage business growth, profit, and goals.
4.9 Investigate leadership skills within a successful business environment.

Esstential Question(s):

What is leadership?

Opening: Journal

Work Sessions:

1. Journal: Name and describe 2 inventions by black entrepreneurs/ inventors.

2. SWOT analysis introduction: Shark Tanks Epsode: SWOT Practice

3. Website and APP work

Closing: Class Discussion

Differentiation: The students are working on individual business projects in which they are choosing the different business to create(differentiation by product) and each students business has a different  process that must be completed to launch the business.( diffrentiation by process)

Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Extended time

Assessment: Business Launch/Idea Presentation

Monday, February 8, 2016

Intro to Business

Pebblebrook High School
Weekly Overview

Subject: Introduction to Business

Topic:  Communication and Leadership

Curriculum standard(s):
Leadership and Management
BMA-IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the
business environment.
4.1 Explain the interrelationships between the functions of business: accounting,
finance, production, marketing, sales, and management.
4.2 Define, explain and apply various management functions including planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling.
4.3 Explain the importance of a vision, a mission statement, and goal-setting within the
context of the business environment.
4.4 Apply the decision making process to a business situation.
4.5 Discuss the impact of the business and personal reputation and image including
online presence as part of the management of the business.
4.6 Understand employee impact and management’s role in contributing to successful
business operations.
4.7 Exhibit organizational skills while planning and executing business projects.
4.8 Implement strategic plans to manage business growth, profit, and goals.
4.9 Investigate leadership skills within a successful business environment.

Esstential Question(s):

What is leadership?

Opening:Motivational Video 5 minutes

Work Sessions:

1. Journal:  Research and tell me about one new teenage millionaire.. (382 for examples)

2. Introduction to 30 Business Project for 30 min.

3. Social Media Ad- NBA Allstar Game

Closing: Class Discussion

Differentiation: The students are working on individual business projects in which they are choosing the different business to create(differentiation by product) and each students business has a different  process that must be completed to launch the business.( diffrentiation by process)

Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Extended time

Assessment: Business Launch/Idea Presentation

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Feb 4 Intro to Business

Pebblebrook High School
Weekly Overview

Subject: Introduction to Business

Topic:  Communication and Leadership

Curriculum standard(s):
Leadership and Management
BMA-IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the
business environment.
4.1 Explain the interrelationships between the functions of business: accounting,
finance, production, marketing, sales, and management.
4.2 Define, explain and apply various management functions including planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling.
4.3 Explain the importance of a vision, a mission statement, and goal-setting within the
context of the business environment.
4.4 Apply the decision making process to a business situation.
4.5 Discuss the impact of the business and personal reputation and image including
online presence as part of the management of the business.
4.6 Understand employee impact and management’s role in contributing to successful
business operations.
4.7 Exhibit organizational skills while planning and executing business projects.
4.8 Implement strategic plans to manage business growth, profit, and goals.
4.9 Investigate leadership skills within a successful business environment.

Esstential Question(s):

What is leadership?

Opening:Motivational Video 5 minutes

Work Sessions:

1. Journal:  Describe the three types of leaders (382 for examples)

2. Business project

    a. Website
    b. Mobile App
    c. Superbowl Social Media Post

3. Business Plan: Location and Facilities, Floor Plan, Organizational Structure

4. Students will work on Primetime television project- 30 minutes

Closing: Class Discussion

Differentiation: The students are working on individual business projects in which they are choosing the different business to create(differentiation by product) and each students business has a different  process that must be completed to launch the business.( diffrentiation by process)

Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Extended time

Assessment: Business Launch/Idea Presentation

Monday, February 1, 2016

2/1/16 Introduction to Business

Pebblebrook High School

Subject: Introduction to Business

Topic:  Communication and Leadership

Curriculum standard(s):
Leadership and Management
BMA-IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the
business environment.
4.1 Explain the interrelationships between the functions of business: accounting,
finance, production, marketing, sales, and management.
4.2 Define, explain and apply various management functions including planning,
organizing, directing, and controlling.
4.3 Explain the importance of a vision, a mission statement, and goal-setting within the
context of the business environment.
4.4 Apply the decision making process to a business situation.
4.5 Discuss the impact of the business and personal reputation and image including
online presence as part of the management of the business.
4.6 Understand employee impact and management’s role in contributing to successful
business operations.
4.7 Exhibit organizational skills while planning and executing business projects.
4.8 Implement strategic plans to manage business growth, profit, and goals.
4.9 Investigate leadership skills within a successful business environment.

Essential Question(s):

What is leadership?

Opening:Motivational Video 5 minutes

Work Sessions:

1. Journal:  Discuss Three traits that you feel leaders should have. (382 for examples)

2. Introduction to 30 Business Project for 30 min.

3. Students will work on Primetime television project- 30 minutes

Closing: Class Discussion

Differentiation: The students are working on individual business projects in which they are choosing the different business to create(differentiation by product) and each students business has a different  process that must be completed to launch the business.( diffrentiation by process)

Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Extended time

Assessment: Business Launch/Idea Presentation